About Us

Welcome to Thai Bitcoiners, a visionary venture at the intersection of Bitcoin innovation and global talent development. Under the auspices of The Kostro Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are dedicated to connecting American Bitcoin companies with the exceptional talent pool of Thailand. Our mission is rooted in a dual commitment to driving industry innovation and fostering social impact.

  • Experienced Leadership

    At the helm of Thai Bitcoiners is our CEO and Chairman of the Board, a seasoned Bitcoin enthusiast with a rich history in staffing and recruiting. With over a decade of experience and offices established in New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles, our leadership has successfully navigated the complexities of global talent acquisition, hiring thousands of workers through refined systems and processes. This proven track record of operational excellence and industry insight sets the foundation for our unique approach to talent development and placement.

  • Cross-Cultural Expertise

    Integral to our leadership team is Fai, whose unparalleled experience spans academia and industry across two continents. With over a decade of teaching at Chiang Mai's International Business College (CMRU) and ten years of professional experience in America, Fai embodies the bridge between Thai and American cultures. Her insights enrich Thai Bitcoiners' ability to ensure seamless integration and foster effective collaboration between Thai talent and American enterprises.

  • Bitcoin Innovation Hub

    Our Bitcoin Learning Center in Northern Thailand is the heart of our operation. More than a workspace, it is a dynamic hub for Bitcoin education, collaboration, and innovation, designed to prepare Thai professionals for the global stage. Tailoring our educational programs to align with the objectives of American Bitcoin companies, we ensure our talent is proficient in both the fundamentals of Bitcoin and the specialized areas most relevant to our partners' needs.

    This center is equipped with state-of-the-art luxury dining, lounge, and workspace options, providing a flexible and enriching environment that promotes creativity, comfort, and productivity. It serves as a nexus for the Bitcoin community, hosting social impact projects, meetups, and events that foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

  • Non-Profit Partnership Advantage

    As a program under The Kostro Foundation, Thai Bitcoiners leverages its non-profit status to offer distinct advantages to our partners. These include potential tax deductions, alignment with CSR goals, access to a diverse and motivated talent pool, and cost-effective solutions. Our focused mission on impact over profit, ethical employment practices, and cultural sensitivity ensures that our partnerships not only advance the Bitcoin and blockchain mission but also contribute to meaningful social change in Thailand.

    At Thai Bitcoiners, we believe in the power of Bitcoin to transform both industries and communities. Join us in this journey of innovation, talent development, and social impact.